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Next teacher training




October 4th –December 15th 2024 and March 14thh – June 15th 2025.


The purpose of this training is to strengthen, deepen, and expand your personal practice and to provide you a strong and solid foundation for the teaching of the primary series, through the Mysore self-practice as guided classes, in a safe, sustainable, healthy and loving way.

The foundation of the teaching is the practice. Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutra, tells us that the Asana should be steady and comfortable.

This is the necessary foundation for more advanced practices of Yoga like pranayama and meditation, all on the path back home, back to ourselves.

How to achieve that? Through a constant, uninterrupted practice for a long time.

First we have to know it very well in order to expand it to the world. That is why I divide the course in 2 parts- first the practice, adding Philosophy and Pranayama and meditation, that will help you understand better your own necessities. In this part we will touch the ways to share the practice with others, that we will develop more all through the second part of the training.

In the second part we will keep focusing on the practice and will learn how to adjust, observe classes, share classes with your training partners, assist classes at the shala, learn how to deal with different publics with different needs, how to receive the people when they come and also we will carry-on investigating philosophy, pranayama and meditation.


The weekends trainings will include diverse subjects:

Asana, pranayama and meditation practices

Complete analysis of the primary series: asanas, correct vinyasas, Sanskrit names and their meaning and how to modify each and every posture. 

Introduction and practice of Ashtanga intermediate series

Ethics and hygiene in the personal practice as well as when sharing with others.

History of Ashtanga Yoga.

Mantras of Ashtanga.

Teaching beginners.

How to develop a practice for yourself and for others.

How to work with injuries and health problems.

The body according to Yoga and Ayurveda.

Bandhas, kriyas and breath.

Modified postures/practice.

The art of adjustment.

Ball work massage.

Teaching students of different ages and body types.

Yoga during pregnancy and menstruation.

Diet and life style.

Pranayama & Meditation


Training methods:

 The training will be done by the daily practice, weekend workshops and a personal investigation. You will observe, assist and practice in a real Yoga Shala.


Projects and evaluations:

Daily practice, at least 3 times a week at the Shala and the rest at home

Practice journal

Reading assignments

Teaching project

Practical and theoretical exams.

Final evaluations


Obligatory reading

 Yoga Mala - K Pattabhi Jois

The Yoga Sutras de Patanjali - Sri Swami Satchidananda


Suggested reading

Health healing and beyond- TKV Desikachar

The heart of yoga– TKV Desikachar

The Yoga tree- BKS Iyengar

Katha, Kena, Mandukya, Taittiriya upanishads

Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Bhagavad Gita

Diccionario del Yoga, Laia Villegas y Óscar Pujol


Training dates:

First part 2024:

October 4-6

November 15-17

November 29- December 1

December 13-15

Second part 2025:

March 14-16

April 25-27

May 30-  June 1

June 13-15



Friday- 17:30-20:30

Saturday- 9:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00



Investment: 1,750€ (until september 15)

Nonrefundable deposit: 300€ in order to reserve your place.

Payments plan: Deposit 300€ and 3 more payments, 500€ each: September 15th,  October 15th and November 15th

Refunding policy: possible, until september 20th, minus the deposit for the reservation.


The full price includes all the teachings. The student will enjoy an unlimited class pass for only 65€ and a 20% off of all the activities and workshops that will be celebrated at the Shala along the training. The price does not include books, mats or other materials.


On finishing the training, you will receive a compliance certificate from Ashtangs Yoga Sitges school.


Participaption requierments:

Daily practice of the full primary series for at least 6 months, (the minimum in order to participate), desire to learn and enjoy.

Graduation and certification will be given students that assist and complete all the course requirements.


The training will be shared by Tammy Hervitz.


Tammy has been extensively practicing and teaching according to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, in the last 25 years. Her first encounter with Yoga practice was in 1991. A couple of years later she met her first Ashtanga teacher and the pioneer in her country, Gilad Harouvi from Tel Aviv, that was her guide, together with his wife Miri Harouvi for over a decade, completing a 3 years long teacher training with them. Through Gilad she met and practiced with Danny Paradise and David Swenson.   

After moving to Spain she had the opportunity to practice and learn from many important Ashtanga Masters, like David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff, Manju Jois, Tomás Zorzo, Guy Donahaye, John Scott, Perti Raisenan.

In the last few years she came to know the practice according to the tradition of BNS Iyengar. First through Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge and their master Andrew Eppler and then with the master, BNS Iyengar himself in Mysore, India

Tammy sees the practice as a great therapeutic tool box, for transcending the psychological mind, heal ourselves, shedding off the layers of all those costumes that we have been covering ourselves with, that hide our real nature of peace, love, light and compassion. We have to lift what´s down up and to bring what’s up down. Understand that we are more than the body. Honor who we are, abandoning the fight with the Ego.


Along the course we offer weekend workshops with Tomás Zorzo (September 24),

Andrew Eppler (Noviembre 24), Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge (May 25)

This is a special opportunity to open up and expand the reaching of understanding the Yoga traditions that have developed en Mysore, Karantaka, south of India.


Deepening workshops (you can do individual sessions or the entire training):

In a world that is becoming more and more superficial, even in the world of Yoga, I have decided to open training weekends to everyone. Each weekend will have self-massage, kriyas, guided practice or self-practice of asana, pranayama and meditation and then a central theme.   

It is an opportunity to expand your knowledge and experiences in your practice, creating a solid foundation for your daily practice, solving obstacles along the way, accompanied and supported by us.

The requirements are daily practice, or at least 4 times a week for a few good months and a great desire to learn.

Each weekend is calculated as 15 hours of training. If you decide to do all of them you will receive the certificate of completion of the course.


Training dates:

First Part 2024:

October 4-6

November 15-17 

November 29 - December 1

December: 13-15


Second part 2025:

March 14-16

April 25-27

May 30-June 1

June: 13-15



Friday- 17:30-20:30

Saturday- 9:00-13:00, 15:00-18:00




1 weekend €180

2 weekends €325

3 weekends €485

4 weekends €625

5 weekends €810



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